06 December 2023 | Blog, Security
Tags: As the festive period approaches, it is important to remember that the UK faces a diverse and evolving terrorism threat. Among others, the 2016 Berlin Christmas Market and 2018 Strasbourg attacks act as a reminder of the intent of terrorist actors globally to conduct attacks targeting large crowds of people at this time of year. Terrorist actors in the UK maintain the intent and capability to conduct attacks during the festive period, indiscriminately targeting members of the public at publicly accessible and iconic sites. The UK terrorism threat level...
24 October 2023 | Blog, Threat Landscape
“It has always been the case that lots of would-be-terrorists in the UK draw inspiration through their distorted understanding of what is happening in other countries.” – Ken McCallum, Director General of MI5, 2023.[1] The current conflict between Israel and Hamas has raised concerns that the episodes of horror taking place in the Middle East could send shockwaves throughout Europe and the UK: encouraging protest, inspiring extremism, and motivating individuals to conduct acts of terror. In a rare interview on 17 October 2023, the Director General of MI5...
02 May 2023 | Blog, Risk Management, Threat Landscape
Author: Calum Ronald, Senior Risk Consultant Read Time: 3 minutes Tags: April 2023 MTU | Coronation | Counter-terrorism | Risk Management | Risk Mitigation | United Kingdom Thousands of people across the country will be attending celebratory events this weekend, ranging from official Coronation ceremonies in Central London, to local street parties and community events. ‘As we celebrate together, let’s keep each other safe’ is the advised message from Counter Terrorism Police ahead of the festivities. Whilst the awareness campaign is not in response to any...
08 March 2023 | Blog, Martyn's Law
At 22:31 on 22 May 2017, Salman Abedi detonated an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) at an Ariana Grande concert at Manchester Arena. Attended largely by teenagers and children, the horrifying result was the murder of twenty-two people and injury to over 800 people, experiencing both physical and psychological trauma. Following the conclusion of the Manchester Arena inquiry, Pool Re Solutions revisits the recommendations and examines what businesses and organisations should do next, namely to consider if they have in place appropriate steps to mitigate against...
20 December 2022 | Blog, Martyn's Law, News
Pool Re welcomes Protect Duty announcement NEWS RELEASE – 19 December 2022 Pool Re, Britain’s leading terrorism reinsurer, today welcomes the UK government’s announcement of its upcoming Protect Duty legislation, also known as Martyn’s Law. In a statement yesterday the Home Secretary, Suella Braverman, set out how the law will seek to improve the safety and security of citizens so they can enjoy public premises without fear of terrorism by improving protective security and organisational preparedness at a wide range of locations across the UK. The two...
04 November 2022 | Blog, Sector Risk, Threat Landscape
Earlier this year Pool Re’s Senior Risk Consultant, Mark Susca, provided an interview to Counter Terror Business to discuss ‘Pool Re and Security in the aviation industry’. Mark, you recently joined Pool Re as a Senior Risk Consultant. Tell us a little about your background, your previous role and why you were attracted to Pool Re. I recently joined Pool Re as part of the growing Solutions team, offering bespoke support to our members after moving from Manchester Airport where I held the position as Head of Operational Resilience, responsible...